A little about writing, crafting, books, and life. Not necessarily in that order.
You think you're kidding. Right after we moved here, we saw a similar scene.Dear Husband came home and burned his Speedo. LOL.Hope your writing is going well.Hunter
because I've been distracted from Nano, think I'll work a story in about a man who wore a flesh colored speedo to the beach and scared even his children - was a true story ...hoping hubby had something enticing for you that didn't get burned!L
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You think you're kidding. Right after we moved here, we saw a similar scene.
Dear Husband came home and burned his Speedo. LOL.
Hope your writing is going well.
because I've been distracted from Nano, think I'll work a story in about a man who wore a flesh colored speedo to the beach and scared even his children - was a true story ...
hoping hubby had something enticing for you that didn't get burned!
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