
Friday, November 30, 2012

NaNoWriMo Officially over for 2012!

This year I got complacent and expected the trolls who live under my bed to type it for me while I slept.

Evidently there was a troll strike this year and they didn't show up.

Next year I am going to have the union busted.

Anyway, by the time I realized quite how far behind I was, I never thought I'd make it.

I wrote 33,636 words of dubious quality joined together in less than 96 hours.  Most of them at night.  Many fueled by left over Thanksgiving turkey and a few handfuls of Winnie the Pooh Animal Crackers from Costco.

What did I learn?

1) I think in 1000 word increments.

2) I don't need an outline for 1000 words (much - ok, it might make it easier, but that's as far as I'm willing to concede)

3) outlines weren't created by the devil

4) the middle is the best part of writing almost any story - you already know the characters, location, and the voice ... it can take on a life of its own

5) friends don't let friends write while they listen to the Minion Mambo from the Despicable Me Soundtrack


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Lisa. I'm so proud of you.


Anonymous said...

Are you on the road to recovery? How are your hands feeling?

Thinking of you.
